Fashion and mayhem at the offices of Blush magazine, where Maya (Laura San Giacomo), works for her father (George Segal) with a host of eccentric and... Read more
Fashion and mayhem at the offices of Blush magazine, where Maya (Laura San Giacomo), works for her father (George Segal) and a host of eccentric and n... Read more
A little bit Buffy. A little bit Bogart. A dash of Nancy Drew. Veronica Mars (Kristen Bell) is an outcast in a trendy SoCal beach town. Once she ran w... Read more
Season 2 of this cult favourite begins when Veronica misses the bus - a school bus that minutes later plunges off a cliff into the Pacific. It may be... Read more
On the eve of graduating law school, Veronica Mars (Kristen Bell) has put Neptune and her amateur sleuthing days behind her. While interviewing at hig... Read more
Hearst College, jewel of the Pacific. A citadel of higher education set amid rolling lawns and swaying palms. But since Hearst is in Neptune, Californ... Read more