Directed by John Gorrie ('The Oscar Wilde Collection'), this BAFTA-winning drama focuses around the life of Edward VII and the dramas, romances, trage... Read more
On a remote island of glass surrounded by a sea of acid, there is a machine that can remove evil from the minds of an entire population - the Conscien... Read more
In this BBC adaptation of one of Shakespeare's final plays, a tempest of wind and rain raised by the magician Prospero shipwrecks Alonso, King of Napl... Read more
Directed by John Gorrie ('The Oscar Wilde Collection') this BAFTA-winning drama focuses around the life of Edward VII and the dramas, romances, traged... Read more
Directed by John Gorrie (The Oscar Wilde Collection) this BAFTA winning drama focuses around the life of Albert Edward, Prince of Wales and the dramas... Read more
Directed by John Gorrie, this BBC production of Shakespeare's romantic comedy stars Felicity Kendall as Viola, a shipwrecked girl who disguises hersel... Read more
The deliciously creepy short stories of Roald Dahl are the inspiration for this memorable series. Included here are six more episodes from the second... Read more
Classic suspense from the Master of Mystery. Roy Marsden stars in this award-winning collection as PD James' literary creation Adam Dalgliesh. The met... Read more
Jeremy Brett brings Sherlock Holmes to life in a series that is said to be the most accurate portrayal ever made of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's famous, f... Read more
Acclaimed BBC adaptations of two of Oscar Wilde's most esteemed works. Lovingly restored, these plays feature a who's who of great actors of the Briti... Read more
With its characteristic blend of dark humour, horror and fantasy, this legendary series continues with a collection of playfully macabre stories, each... Read more
The British miniseries about a churchman's daughter who becomes infamous for her scandals. The story of Lillie Langtry (Francesca Annis), a woman whos... Read more
Like his children's books, Roald Dahl's adult stories never fail to suprise. Each stand alone, playfully macabre story in this acclaimed series is a b... Read more
Mixing dark humour, horror and fantasy, this legendary series continues with a collection of playfully macabre Roald Dahl stories served up with a twi... Read more
Noel Coward was a true Renaissance man; a celebrated, playwright, composer, author, and actor. To quote the title of one of his biographies, he had "a... Read more