A strong-willed woman, frustrated by ongoing injustice at home, leaves the United States after meeting Jude, an American doctor who runs a remote medi... Read more
A reclusive, blind photojournalist lives quietly in a New York penthouse, until a smooth but sadistic criminal looking for a hidden fortune enters her... Read more
Wesley Snipes and Woody Harrelson are two undercover cops who guard the New York City subway train known as the 'Money Train'. This action-comedy take... Read more
Macaulay Culkin stars as the diabolical child with dark secrets and a frightening sadistic streak who terrifies his cousin (Elijah Wood) when he comes... Read more
This intense drama in the tradition of "Midnight Express" centres on three Americans who enjoy a raucous vacation in Malaysia. Two years later, lawyer... Read more
Upon discovering that her once-kind husband has turned into an abusive monster, a young wife (Julia Roberts) fakes her death and begins a new life in... Read more
Aka "Fighting Justice". A good thriller about lawyer James Woods being convinced to take on a murder case by his idealistic young associate (Robert Do... Read more
This action-packed sci-fi yarn presents the fascinating idea of entering another person's dreams. Horror, Danger and Suspense threaten a master psychi... Read more
This may look like your average mad slasher movie, but don't be misled by the packaging. This exploration of a deranged man just trying to find and ma... Read more
Nine-year-old Sam Paretta is dead, killed in a plane crash. Even though it's been fourteen months since the accident, his mother, Telly (Julianne Moor... Read more