One sweltering summer day in Manhattan, the streets explode into chaos as a rat-borne virus breaks out. With every vicious bite, more and more city dw... Read more
Ambrose McKinley, a cantankerous blind vet, moves into a retirement community only to learn the residents there have been dying, not from old age, but... Read more
In a post-apocalyptic America overrun by vampires, a teen is saved from the bloodsuckers that killed his family by a mysterious drifter. Now, as the p... Read more
This steamy thriller from director Jane Campion ("The Piano") offers star Meg Ryan in revealing nude and sex scenes, as she plays a lonely teacher inv... Read more
Richard Dane (Michael C. Hall) awakens one night to a noise elsewhere in the house. Fearing an intruder, he retrieves a gun from the closet, tells his... Read more
Binh (Damien Nguyen) is an outcast in his Vietnamese village due to his mixed race. He is half American, but knows neither of his parents. Forced to... Read more
This 10-part HBO television miniseries focuses on Easy Company, a group of American soldiers in World War II, tracking their experiences from the begi... Read more
This 10-part HBO television miniseries focuses on Easy Company, a group of American soldiers in World War II, tracking their experiences from the begi... Read more