

The deeply bizarre and graphically shocking sophomore film from Hungarian Gygory Palfi ('Hukkle'), tells a multi-generational story beginning with a put-upon private in a far-flung military out-post, whose only outlet is his powerful sexual fantasy life. He unknowingly bears a son, born with a curly pig's tail, who becomes an obese champion eater and longs for Olympic recognition of his sport. In contrast, his son is stick thin and finds his passion in stuffing animals as he simultaneously stuffs his grotesque housebound father with candy bars and butter. Palfi's unique style is undeniable, but those with a weak stomach be warned!

Year: 2006
Genre: Art House Cinema, Incredibly Strange Films, Eastern European Cinema, Ed's Favourites, Black Humour, Film Festivals 2007
Country: Hungary
Director: Gyorgy Palfi
Starring: Csaba Czene, Gergely Trocsanyi, Piroska Molnar, Adel Stanczel, Marc Bischoff, Gabor Mate, Zoltan Koppany, Geza D Hegedus, Erwin Leder
Duration: 91 Minutes
Rating: R18 - Contains explicit sex scenes and horror scenes.
Subtitles: Yes
Location in store: Foreign (Eastern Europe)



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