
The Sea Wolf

This adventure on the high seas follows the exploits of the notorious Captain Wolf Larsen (Sebastian Koch) who engages young castaway Humphrey Van Wyden (Stephen Campbell Moore) in a brutal game of psychological warfare aboard his seal-hunting schooner, the Ghost. But when Humphrey is hardened into an adversary every bit as unyielding, the stakes are raised - even more so when the lovely Maud Brewster (Neve Campbell) comes aboard, a catalyst in Wolf and Humphrey's most dangerous game yet. Tim Roth also stars in this two-part miniseries based on Jack London's 1904 novel.

Year: 2009
Genre: Drama, TV Drama, Based on..., Television Shows
Country: Canada, Germany
Director: Mike Barker
Starring: Neve Campbell, Tim Roth, Stephen Campbell Moore, Sebastian Koch
Duration: 190 Minutes
Rating: R16 - Violence and content that may disturb
Location in store: Drama



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