
Avatar ( Blu-ray, Blu-ray 3D )

A paraplegic Marine (Sam Worthington) agrees to travel to the distant planet Pandora with a scientific team and have his consciousness implanted into a physical being resembling a member of the native Na'vi population. Soon his loyalties are tested after he falls in love with an alien female (Zoe Saldana) and is pressured to betray her people by the megacorporation looking to mine the planet for a valued ore. Breaking box-office records and dazzling audiences with its mix of live action and CGI animation, writer-director James Cameron's ambitious sci-fi epic co-stars Stephen Lang, Michelle Rodriguez and Sigourney Weaver.

Year: 2009
Genre: Science Fiction, Golden Globe - Drama, EcoFilm Fest, Blu-ray Discs, Action
Country: USA, UK
Director: James Cameron
Starring: Sigourney Weaver, Stephen Lang, Zoe Saldana, Michelle Rodriguez, Sam Worthington
Duration: 162 Minutes
Rating: M - Battle violence
Location in store: Alice's 500 Greatest Films



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