
Nigel Latta

"Nigel Latta" is a hard-hitting 6 part documentary series about tough issues facing all New Zealanders. Problems with Child Abuse, Poverty & Growing Inequality, Alcohol, the Education system, the Prison system and our growing rates of obesity & diabetes - they are all hot topics. Almost everyone seems to have an opinion - often informed by little more than single sentence headlines or talkback radio. The most important issues we face as a country seem to be ones that we understand the least. Clinical psychologist Nigel Latta sets out on a journey to find out what's really going on - sorting out fact from spin, and real solutions from empty rhetoric.

Year: 2014
Genre: Documentaries, New Zealand Film, New Zealand Docos, General Docos
Country: NZ
Starring: Nigel Latta
Duration: 264 Minutes
Rating: M - Offensive language and content that may disturb
Location in store: New Zealand (Documentary)



Permanent Collection

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A Civilised Society (2007)

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Chasing the Ghost: New Zealand's P Epidemic (2010)

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