In a dusty, underpopulated California resort town, Pinky Rose (Sissy Spacek), a naive and impressionable Southern waif from Texas, begins her life as a nursing home attendant. There she finds her role model in fellow nurse "Thoroughly Modern" Millie Lammoreaux (Shelley Duvall), a misguided would-be sophisticate and hopeless devotee of Cosmopolitan and Woman's Day magazines. When Millie accepts Pinky into her home at the Purple Sage singles' complex, Pinky's hero-worship evolves into something far stranger and more sinister than either could have anticipated. Featuring brilliant performances from Spacek and Duvall, Robert Altman's dreamlike masterpiece careens from the humourous to the chilling to the surreal, resulting in one of the most unusual and compelling films of the 1970s.
Permanent Collection
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