

A thrilling animated adventure, based on the true story of a half-husky, half-wolf dog named Balto who overcame many dangers to deliver vital medicine to the snow-trapped town of Nome, Alaska, in 1925. Featuring the voice talents of Kevin Bacon, Bridget Fonda, Phil Collins and Bob Hoskins.

Year: 1995
Genre: Family Animation, Children's & Family Theatre, Animation
Country: USA
Director: Simon Wells
Starring: Kevin Bacon, Bridget Fonda, Bob Hoskins
Duration: 74 Minutes
Rating: G
Location in store: Childrens/Family (Animation)



Permanent Collection

For in-store pickup reservations please call 03 3650 615


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Far From Home: The Adventures Of Yellow Dog (1994)

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White Fang (1991)

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Snow Dogs (2002)

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Home on the Range (2004)

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The Fox and the Hound 2 (2006)

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Snow Buddies (2008)

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