
Titan A.E.

In this spectacular animated adventure set in the 31st century, an alien race known as the Drej has destroyed Earth and sent the survivors fleeing into space. A young man named Cale learns he has a map to the Titan, a craft his long-missing father built which holds the key to mankinds survival. Can he and an expedition find the ship before the Drej destroy the rest of humanity...

Year: 2000
Genre: Science Fiction, Family Animation, Cult Animation, Children's & Family Theatre, Animation
Country: USA
Director: Don Bluth, Gary Goldman
Starring: Bill Pullman, Drew Barrymore, Janeane Garofalo, John Leguizamo, Matt Damon, Nathan Lane
Duration: 92 Minutes
Rating: PG - Contains low level violence.
Location in store: Cult Animation



Permanent Collection

For in-store pickup reservations please call 03 3650 615


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