Humans of Earth, beware! An advanced alien race has arrived in a fleet of flying saucers to destroy the planet or invade human bodies in a collaboration to take over mankind. These deadly extra-terrestrial aliens, usually grotesque and parasitic creatures, are conspiring to unleash unspeakable terror throughout our small towns and large cities. Mankind must find a way to defend itself and fight back against the alien invasion. Stay tuned for more!...... Right: E.T. and friend.
A scientist's experiments on alien DNA found in a meteorite that crashed on Earth thousands of years ago have resulted in the creation of a monstrous... Read more
A gritty sci-fi, crime procedural in the vein of The Hidden and District 9, Alien Nation is a tense tale of urban life in Los Angeles circa 1991. Here... Read more
Celebrating one of the most popular sci-fi series in history, this 9 disc box-set features the two-disc special editions of 'Alien' (1979 theatrical v... Read more
From the director of 'City of Lost Children' and 'Delicatessen' comes this fourth installment of the 'Alien' saga. A freshly cloned Ripley (Sigourney... Read more
The discovery of an ancient pyramid buried under the Antarctic ice sends a team of scientists and adventurers to the frozen continent. There, they mak... Read more
The discovery of an ancient pyramid buried under the Antarctic ice sends a team of scientists and adventurers to the frozen continent. There, they mak... Read more
Sigourney Weaver returns to the planet that spawned the title creatures with a Marine squadron that's ready to wipe them out. Super sequel that doesn'... Read more
Sigourney Weaver returns to the planet that spawned the title creatures with a Marine squadron that's ready to wipe them out. Super sequel that doesn'... Read more
A bunch of kids must defend their holiday home from ambitious aliens in this PG sci-fi romp. Ashley Tisdale stars as Bethany, the eldest daughter whos... Read more
Tenshu is imprisoned and sentenced to death for murdering the men who raped his girlfriend. However, he manages to survive his execution and is presen... Read more