Humans of Earth, beware! An advanced alien race has arrived in a fleet of flying saucers to destroy the planet or invade human bodies in a collaboration to take over mankind. These deadly extra-terrestrial aliens, usually grotesque and parasitic creatures, are conspiring to unleash unspeakable terror throughout our small towns and large cities. Mankind must find a way to defend itself and fight back against the alien invasion. Stay tuned for more!...... Right: E.T. and friend.
The winner of 4 Oscars and now a classic, about a 10 year old boy befriending a creature from another planet that's been stranded on Earth. A warm, in... Read more
The winner of 4 Oscars and now a classic, about a 10 year old boy befriending a creature from another planet that's been stranded on Earth. A warm, in... Read more
Out of the night sky, the shape of a woman emerges. She lands in an outback landscape, naked and not knowing where she is. She sees a man at a campfir... Read more
There's some nasty aliens out there, and they're knocking up Welsh farmgirls. A team of 'journalists' from cable channel Weird Worlde investigates.... Read more
"Ghostbusters" director Ivan Reitman goes the sci-fi route with this wild action-comedy. Arizona community college professors David Duchovny and Orlan... Read more
Blood, guts and yuks, this non-stop horror-comedy was born on US reality TV show, 'Project Greenlight', produced by Matt Damon, Ben Affleck and Chris... Read more
Originally a mini-series made for cable television, this end-of-days, sci-fi thriller features an evil plot by shapeshifting aliens to take over the e... Read more
UFO buffs should get a lift out of this dramatization of the alleged abduction of Travis Walton - allegedly based on fact. Contains a genuinely freaky... Read more
This delightful Disney film concerns a young boy who has the ability to communicate with machines and uses this to help a UFO find its way home. Like... Read more
In the year 2176, over 600,000 Earth colonists are living on the red planet, and Martian policewoman Natasha Henstridge is part of a squad sent to pic... Read more