
Television Shows

"As Seen on TV" A television movie (also TV movie, made-for-TV movie, telefilm, etc.) is a photoplay that does not normally feature in movie theatres but is produced for, and released to, television only. It is commonly considered a type of movie, but some people restrict the latter term to those that play in cinemas only. The programs listed below have all at one time or another been on the telly. Most of those great old shows are represented here, from "Green Acres" to "Absolutely Fabulous", from "Dallas" to "Six Feet Under", from "The Simpsons" to "Ren and Stimpy"..... Below is an amalgam of Alice's entire collection of "Television Shows". For more precise grazing you may find scrolling within this genre helpful. ie "TV Drama", "TV Comedy", "TV Cult", etc

Yes, Prime Minister: Series 2 (1987)

Director: Sydney Lotterby
Starring: Paul Eddington, Nigel Hawthorne, Derek Fowlds

If Prime Minister Jim Hacker has a fault (and God knows...), it is that he has ideas. Fortunately his Cabinet Secretary, Sir Humphrey makes sure they... Read more

You Bet Your Life! - The Best Episodes (1958)

Starring: Candice Bergen, Phyllis Diller, George Fenneman, Groucho Marx, Harpo Marx, Johnn...

Groucho Marx hosted this classic 1950s game show where he had free reign to say and do pretty much whatever he liked - with hilarious results. Collect... Read more

Zen (2010)

Starring: Catherine Spaak, Francesco Quinn, Rufus Sewell, Ben Miles, Caterina Murino

Rufus Sewell stars as the classic Italian detective Aurelio Zen in three feature length episodes of the short-lived BBC series based on the best-selli... Read more