"Black comedy...also known as 'black humour' or 'dark comedy', is a sub-genre of comedy and satire where topics and events that are usually treated seriously – death, mass murder, sickness, madness, terror, drug abuse, rape, war etc - are treated in a humorous or satirical manner." - Wikipedia Good Stuff! Alice's dark comedy delights await below.
A young man's sexual impulses go haywire when he discovers that the woman he has just been to bed with happens to be his mother's lesbian lover. Set a... Read more
Inspired by Chris Marker's short film 'La Jetee' (also available) and set in the near future where a prisoner is sent back in time to the 90's to dis... Read more
Inspired by Chris Marker's short film 'La Jetee' (also available) and set in the near future where a prisoner is sent back in time to the 90's to disc... Read more
Pusit is deep in debt, he's just lost his job, his girlfriend and his car, so when a mysterious cell phone caller offers him $100 million to feature i... Read more
A ruthlessly inventive and often extremely funny crime thriller involving a murder for hire, a betrayed crook, his slick partner, a dogged cop and a d... Read more
Las Vegas is host to International Elvis Week and a group of crims slip into town complete with sequins and sideburns. A casino heist goes down and th... Read more
How far would you go to avenge betrayal? Colin Diamond (Ray Winstone) is about to find out in this gritty, provocative drama (laced with black humour)... Read more
"Mad" Mary McArdle (Seána Kerslake) returns to her hometown after a brief stint in prison and is immediately labeled as undatable, but she is determin... Read more
Andy Griffith made his stunning movie debut as Lonesome, a big ol' teddy bear whose meteoric rise to TV fame is paralleled by his plunge into booze, s... Read more
A crime novelist whose research on Victorian serial killers has turned him into a paranoid wreck must confront his worst fears when a film executive t... Read more