Explosive and stylish, this turbo-charged thriller from "Audition" director Takashi Miike is an all-out assault on the senses. Set in Rio, Okinawa and Tokyo's notorious Shinjuku district, "City of Lost Souls" takes a journey deep into the seedy underside of Japan's Gangland, exploring it's eccentric characters and extreme violence. When a Brazilian-Japanese is unleashed from jail, he sets out to rescue his beautiful Chinese girlfriend, Kei, from being deported to Japan. Back in Tokyo he tries to raise the cash to buy counterfeit passports for him and Kei to flee to Australia. Along the way the couple find themselves face-to-face with violent Yakuza and Triad gangs, and must fight for their freedom. Packed with incredible set-pieces, this full-throttle movie is one ride you won't want to get off!
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