
Footrot Flats: The Dog's Tale

The full-length, animated feature film of New Zealand's most popular cartoon strip based on characters created by Murray Ball. This is 'The Dog's Tale', his first encounter with the sexy bitch Jess; his loyal devotion to Wal Footrot, (whom he saves from a fate worse than death); his adventures with Horse, (the cat with barracuda jaws and fishhook claws); his brilliant cowardice and his mighty nose, pitted against the dastardly schemes of the villainous Murphys, their hell hounds, and the Croco Pigs.

Year: 1987
Genre: Family Animation, New Zealand Film, Children's & Family Theatre, Animation, Comics Movies
Country: NZ
Director: Murray Ball
Starring: Peter Rowley, John Clarke
Duration: 72 Minutes
Rating: PG - Contains low level offensive language.
Location in store: New Zealand Film


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