Horror and science fiction collide in the adventure of Albert Wilmarth (Matt Foyer), a folklore professor at Miskatonic University, as he investigates legends of strange creatures rumored to dwell in the most remote mountains of Vermont. Wilmarth's investigation leads him to a discovery of horrors quite beyond anything he ever imagined, and ends in a desperate attempt to escape the remote New England hills with his life and sanity intact. Written in 1931, H.P. Lovecraft's iconic genre-bending tale of suspense and alien terrors is brought to life in the style of the classic horror films of the early 1930s like "Dracula", "Frankenstein" and "King Kong". Using its Mythoscope process - a mix of modern and vintage techniques - the H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society expands on Lovecraft's original tale while still bringing you unparalleled authenticity.
Permanent Collection
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