The dramatic sequel to Patricia MacLachlan's best-selling novel Sarah, Plain and Tall, Skylark continues the passionate family saga of 19th century life in the western United States. Sarah (Oscar nominee Glenn Close, Dangerous Liasons), the mail-order bride from Maine finds herself well settled into the Witting family way of life. She and Jacob (Oscar winner Christopher Walken, The Deer Hunter) live a simple but fulfilling life alongside his two young children on the Kansas prairie.But the farming family is soon challenged by the unpredictable landscape, facing the devastating onset of drought. Ravaging the surrounding land and livestock, members of the farming community gradually abandon hope and their land, fleeing for better opportunities.As wells run dry and flash fires threaten the farm, the Witting family stand united and vow to fight for their home at all costs. But a battle against the unpredictable and hostile elements of nature requires more than strength of will, as it is destined to challenge the Witting family to its very core.
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