
Betty Blue (Blu-ray)

Jean-Jacques Beineix has restored 62 minutes to his romantic masterpiece ('Version Integrale') expanding the adventures of Betty and Zorg. There are several new characters and major sequences such as the kidnapping of a child and an armed robbery performed in drag. Starring Jean-Hughes Anglade and Beatrice Dalle, the new version clocks in at 178 minutes.

Year: 1986
Genre: Foreign Language Films, French Cinema, Paul's Favourites, Film Festivals 1998, Film Festivals 1987, Sensual or Erotic Films, Best of the 1980s, Blu-ray Discs
Country: France
Director: Jean-Jacques Beineix
Starring: Beatrice Dalle, Gerard Darmon, Jean-Hugues Anglade
Duration: 178 Minutes
Rating: R18 - Contains sex scenes.
Subtitles: Yes
Location in store: Alice's 500 Greatest Films


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