"War and Anti-War Films" often acknowledge the horror and heartbreak of war, letting the actual combat fighting or conflict (against nations or humankind) provide the primary plot or background for the action of the film. Typical elements in the action-oriented war plots include POW camp experiences and escapes, submarine warfare, espionage, personal heroism, "war is hell" brutalities, air dogfights, tough trench/infantry experiences, or male-bonding buddy adventures during wartime. Themes explored in war films include combat, survivor and escape stories, tales of gallant sacrifice and struggle, studies of the futility and inhumanity of battle, the effects of war on society, and intelligent and profound explorations of the moral and human issues. Listed below are all the very best of this genre. Scroll yer heart out....
'Goodbye, Children'. Louis Malle returns to the days of the German occupation during World War II to recount the story of friendship between two schoo... Read more
Nicole Kidman and Hugh Jackman join forces with visionary director Baz Luhrmann in "Australia", an epic and romantic action adventure set on the brink... Read more
Nicole Kidman and Hugh Jackman join forces with visionary director Baz Luhrmann in "Australia", an epic and romantic action adventure set on the brink... Read more
Thirty-five years after their internment at the hands of the Nazis, three friends reunite. Melanie (Susan Sarandon) is in an unsatisfying marriage to... Read more
Shove off for the true-life saga of the men and ship that weathered the worst of World War II and came out victorious. The stirring tale of heroism an... Read more
During World War II, a three man commando team places its trust in the hands of a band of Filipino resistants, as they try to knock out a Japanese com... Read more
Aloysha is a frightened young soldier fighting the Germans when, more by good luck than good management, he disables two enemy tanks. As a reward he... Read more
This 10-part HBO television miniseries focuses on Easy Company, a group of American soldiers in World War II, tracking their experiences from the begi... Read more
This 10-part HBO television miniseries focuses on Easy Company, a group of American soldiers in World War II, tracking their experiences from the begi... Read more
A blockbuster epic from Thailand based on the 1765 invasion by Burma. The only thing standing between the Burmese Army and the (then Siamese) capital... Read more