

Animation refers to the process in which each frame of a film or movie is produced individually, whether generated as a computer graphic, or by photographing a drawn image, or by repeatedly making small changes to a model, and then photographing the result. When the frames are strung together and the resulting film is viewed at a speed of 16 or more frames per second, there is an illusion of continuous movement (due to the persistence of vision). Generating such a film is very labour intensive and tedious, though the development of computer animation has greatly sped up the process. Here Alice has assembled all the very best of this craft; scroll below alphabetically or search using the sub-categories in green on the left. 'Family Animation', 'Classic Animation', 'Cult Animation' or 'JapanAnime'. Right: Nick Park's endearing Wallace and Gromit.

Yellow Submarine (Blu-ray) (1968)

Director: George Dunning
Starring: Dick Emery, Lance Percival, John Clive, Geoffrey Hughes, (Voices of) , Paul Ange...

The Beatles have arrived in high definition with the revelatory Blu-ray release of Yellow Submarine. The 1999 standard DVD reissue of the animated f... Read more

Your Name (2016)

Director: Makoto Shinkai
Starring: Ryunosuke Kamiki, Ryo Narita, Mone Kamishiraishi

Mitsuha is the daughter of the mayor of a small mountain town. She's a straightforward high school girl who lives with her sister and her grandmother... Read more

Your Name (Blu-Ray) (2016)

Director: Makoto Shinkai
Starring: Ryunosuke Kamiki, Ryo Narita, Mone Kamishiraishi

Mitsuha is the daughter of the mayor of a small mountain town. She's a straightforward high school girl who lives with her sister and her grandmother... Read more