Hitler: The Rise of Evil begins by tracing the young, developing mind of a burgeoning madman, following him through his formative years and how he evolves into the man who exploited a nation, which cried out for a leader they could follow. Motivated by anger and misdirected by ego, Hitler struggles in a world he believes owes him something, enticing Germany in a macabre dance of surrender and control. Finding his foothold in politics using the German Workers' Party, Hitler begins his ruthless climb to power and brutal seduction of Germany. On the side, his malignant charisma appeals to women, at first his young niece Geli, and then, Eva Braun. The powerful try to use him, the wealthy prefer to dismiss him, but every one of them underestimate him. The story follows Hitler's rise from wayward young man to presidential candidate to Chancellor. As the Reichstag burns in 1933, German democracy sighs its final breath and everyone who has been pulled into Hitler's vortex realises the hideous truth of what has been created, only now, it is too late to change it.
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