A wonderful hand-painted animated feature from Sylvain Chomet ("The Triplets of Belleville"), "The Illusionist" is based on an unproduced script that French director Jacques Tati wrote in 1956 for his daughter. Set in the late 1950s, the film tells the story of an ageing illusionist whose career on the stage has come under threat from the increasing popularity of cinema and pop music. No longer able to find an audience for his card tricks and rabbit-out-of-a-hat routine, he takes to the road in the hope of earning a living elsewhere. When he travels to an isolated community in Scotland, he meets a girl who is convinced that he is a real magician, and a special bond develops between the two. Bittersweet, melancholy and filled with the atmosphere of its era, this is a beautiful film whose every frame reveals its hand-crafted artistry. It also brings the magic of the incomparable Jacques Tati to life once more.
Permanent Collection
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