Less of a sumptuous period piece (although those elements are there), Imbachs look at one of the worlds most intriguing historical, female figureheads takes finely detailed historical fact and makes an emotionally resonating experience out of it. Its a period piece for those who always wished they got more of the figure at the core of it. Played by French actress Camille Rutherford (who looks stunning and adds a much needed undercurrent of melancholy to a strong character), Marys relays her story to her cousin Queen Elizabeth and the audience follows along. From her early days as a member of nobility forced into service at infancy to her struggles with her land and church, everything about the leaders life is chronicled, but in a humane way rather than a clinical fashion. Imbach directs with a keen eye for visuals (on what couldnt have been a huge budget), with a particular ear for character moments and musical cues.
Permanent Collection
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